Yes I'm starting the blog up again, and this time in English. The reasons for this is that while on the AMAP conference in Copenhagen April 2011, I meet a wonderful lady from the states what would love to use my adventures to show that there are people behind the dry numbers, and those people have fun. So now that I'm going to Greenland I'm gonna post to this blog in a langue that she can read with out a translator program.
"Greenland, whats up with that?" you might say. Well I'm working on my master right now (kandidaten), and my research is about drill liquid. When we are drilling on the Greenland icecap, we drill 3 km down, and to prevent the hole from collapsing we put a liquid inside the hole that have the same density as the ice.
Down in the ice there are a brittle zone, a place where the ice is of a certain composition that it brakes into a thousand pieces when we get it up. It is pressure and temperature differences that dos it. The drill liquid seeps into those cracks and give us a world of trouble when we melt the ice and analysis the melt water for chemical traces. I have made a detector that can see the drill liquid in our system and that way say when we get bad data and when we have good data. This detector is going to be tested in the field this summer.
I am leaving on the 10th of June and should be home the 18th of July. In this period I will send mails to this blog, that will be posted. Pictures I can not send due to the size of the files.